
Kalliope association to support School of uncovering the voice

The culture of singing and art is, like many things in our time, in a process of change. What is contemporary art? What are the tasks of art/singing? The school of uncovering the voice  developed by the Swedish singer Valborg Werbeck-Svärdström is convincing:

;Somehow the methods of singing that occur in our time [. . . ] are [. . . ] influenced and determined by the spirit of external science [. . . ]. It is necessary to replace the surface knowledge with a fundamental knowledge, i. e. to move from the observation of the outside to the observation of the inside of the vocal. „ The human voice needs no education, it is there, finished, accomplished [. . . ] but it waits for – liberation. (from: "The School of Uncovering the Voice”; Publisher at the Goetheanum)

The association KALLIOPE , to support the art of living and non violent (free) voice-culture was founded in 2005, since then many projects, concerts, courses, events could be supported by the association.
Interested? pleas feel free to join our annual association meeting: there will be a concert and a exhibition of paintings during the meeting, you are free just to join the artistic part.
invitation/programm in english click here
Einladung Jahresversammlung 20 englisch